all postcodes in MK41 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK41 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK41 6AA 5 3 52.172889 -0.484825
MK41 6AB 1 0 52.179248 -0.501493
MK41 6AD 2 0 52.180433 -0.484174
MK41 6AF 57 0 52.162539 -0.504071
MK41 6AG 24 1 52.160205 -0.493711
MK41 6AH 13 0 52.162251 -0.500528
MK41 6AJ 42 1 52.163442 -0.502214
MK41 6AL 37 0 52.162624 -0.503376
MK41 6AN 17 0 52.164252 -0.505111
MK41 6AP 13 1 52.164943 -0.503611
MK41 6AQ 37 1 52.161221 -0.497961
MK41 6AR 15 0 52.174092 -0.506828
MK41 6AS 20 0 52.172022 -0.506693
MK41 6AT 1 1 52.170476 -0.505326
MK41 6AU 15 0 52.167949 -0.504519
MK41 6AW 4 0 52.164791 -0.509347
MK41 6AY 16 0 52.163941 -0.501875
MK41 6AZ 43 0 52.164964 -0.501709
MK41 6BA 30 0 52.165847 -0.503288
MK41 6BB 55 0 52.167731 -0.503634